Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Blogging Block

Well, it has been a while since I have posted anything on here.  Not for lack of trying or doing my devotions/quiet times thankfully, but for lack of thinking I had much to write about. 

What I seemed to have forgotten was that the main reason I started this little blog was to use it as a converstation/thought starter for my quiet times, not as a way to impress my entire 3 to maybe 5 readers.  I have felt lately that I haven't had anything worthwhile to put on here.  But God really put it on my heart that when I don't journal in some way shape or form, I am missing out on some great conversations with Him. 

If I merely read His Word and say my general prayers, I am really skipping the part where I think through and process what He is trying to tell me in my time with Him.  I am just simply, doing my job and moving on, but not taking the time to reflect and talk with Him about it.  He reminded me that I started doing this as a discussion with Him, not with someone who might be reading it.

I seem to think and type well at the same time.  I can type faster than I can write, so I tend to forget fewer of my thoughts and can follow them through...thus, typing a blog for a journal has worked great for me.  That is, until I let my head get in the way of my heart.  I wanted to impress a reader instead of spend my time with God.

Time to get back to the basics a great conversation with my God and the Holy Spirit.  Sorry if it isn't very impressive or entertaining to really don't have to read it if you don't want to.  Like I said, this is for me, not you.  A bit selfish maybe, but you aren't the one I am trying to please. ;)

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