Friday, September 23, 2011

Building a House of Spirit

Patience....once of those things that most of us struggle with and the topic of my abiding study today.  I always remember a friend's comment when it comes to praying for patience.  "If you pray for patience, God is going to give you something to teach you patience."  Thus, she never prays exactly to learn patience, due to the fact that patience is learned through experience.  Good thought.  But, God is going to teach us patience anyway, isn't He?

The fourth listed fruit of the spirit, patience is one I thought I had done pretty well at in life.  That was until my children showed up.  I have never had to pray harder for this 4th fruit in my life.  And pray I do.  Sometimes it is the only thing that gets me through some poop-on-the-floor-fell-over-the-toys-burned-the-lunch-because-I-had-to-clean-up-said-poop days (not that I have ever had this happen :). 

Hebrews 3:1-6 tells us to fix our thoughts on Jesus and that He is who builds us as well as everything.  Well, fixing my eyes on Jesus is often the only thing that keeps me from having an all out melt down where I scream at my children and lose all control.  Although I would be lying if I say this doesn't happen from time to time anyway, I know that it rarely happens when I am doing my part to fill my cup with His word and my heart with prayers and 'conversation' with Him.

So, for God to build me up and fill me with the patience most of my days require I have to remember to fill my cup with Him and His word.

What are some of the ways you do this?

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