Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bringing Home the "Bacon"

I was blessed enough to be able to attend MomCon 2013 this past weekend which is a 3 day conference for MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) Leaders.  What an amazing experience it was, and not only because the keynote speakers included my favorite author of all time, Jen Hatmaker as well as Lysa Terkeurst, Beth Moore and a former 20 year CEO of MOPS, Elisa Morgan.  We were surrounded by women who fear the Lord and wanted so badly to serve other moms in their communities and become better mothers.  I mean, really?  Is there a better group of people to be with?

So, I was inundated with so much inspiring and challenging information from amazing Christian leaders and I just kept thinking, "How in the world am I going to bring home, share and use all of this material with our group?"  I tell you, I was overwhelmed with so much "meaty" information, talks that left you inspired, ideas that make you want to jump out of your chair and ways that I want to change the world that my head was spinning!  I. Don't. Know. Where. To. Start!

I have been praying for God to show me how to do it; how to pick the pieces that need to be used first, from the ideas I need to store away for later.  Praying that He would help me remember all of the information and not just let it get tucked somewhere in my brain as a great weekend.  I do not want to forget any piece of what I learned at this conference.  I took notes incessantly.  I want to share what He showed me and what the speakers had to say.  Oh, how I am praying that it will all stay fresh in my mind until He reveals to me what to do with it all.  I want Him to show me how to bring this knowledge home with me to use in my community.

And then, I finally took time to open my Bible this week (it has been a little crazy 'round here... bad excuse I know, but such is my life) and this is what I found.  Proverbs 5:1-2 "My son, pay attention to my wisdom; listen carefully to my wise counsel.  Then you will show discernment, and your lips will express what you've learned." I have been praying for this exact thing this week and He tells me in His Word that He will do it for me.  I just have to listen.

Such a direct answer to my prayer.  "I will do it for you," is what He is telling me.  "Spend time with me.  Talk to me.  Listen." 


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Seeking Wisdom

Proverbs 4:7 says "Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do."  Seems pretty simple and redundant, yes?  But I am a firm believer that if God repeats Himself, we had better listen.  Of course, He seems to repeat Himself quite frequently to me on certain topics that I have a hard time getting through my thick skull.  He finds many ways to do so as well, Bible verses I read, a sermon at church, a devotional that comes in my email or Facebook.  So many ways to reach me, and yet it doesn't always sink in.

So, reading on to gain this wisdom to make me wise I am realizing He tells me to seek this and not that, to live this way and not that, but "surprisingly" the direct wisdom I seek, such as how to organize my life when I am living out of boxes in a basement or how to discipline my almost 4-year-old who can't seem to listen to "No" or "Stop" without a huge drama production aren't written in there.  Big surprise, right?

But, God knows that is not what we need.  We don't need the "easy button."  If we had it, we wouldn't need Him.

I often find myself thinking, "I really need to get in touch with so-and-so because I know she has all this discipline stuff down," or "I need to call this person for advice on how to live in your in-laws basement because she had to do it too," instead of falling on my knees and seeking the true wisdom I need.

Now, God does give us mentors and friends with advice and experience to help pass on His wisdom, no doubt, and they are invaluable.  But, if I find myself seeking these resources above wisdom from Him, I am starting in the wrong place.   God may not give me direct answers or suggestions like my friends can, but God knows my child.  He knows my situation and can lead me to what is best for my family.  All my friends can do is share their advice and experiences which will definitely vary from mine, so I will need to adjust for my specific situation.

I guess the wisdom I gained today reminds me to seek Him first, not after the fact.  Ask Him to show me the answer or the way to go when I initially face the situation and then if that means turning to a friend or mentor for advice as well, that is where I go.

That being said, if anyone has any advice to pass on concerning the aforementioned issues, I am more than open to take them.  I have been praying about them (especially the discipline) for quite some time and still have yet to figure it out.