Monday, October 24, 2011

God Remembers

In today's day and age it is so easy to get caught up in recognition.  It is so tempting to 'toot your own horn' or want others to praise you for your efforts.  Heck, it is nice to be acknowledged for what you have done.  And, really, there isn't anything wrong with it.

The 'wrong' part comes when you do it only for the recognition, for the horn tooting and when you fail to acknowledge God's hand in what has been done.

Hebrews 6:10 tells us that God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.  This is such a great verse to hide in your heart for all those times you feel like your work has gone without thanks.  This is especially a great verse for mothers to keep on hand.  It is very rare that the thank yous are handed out to moms sufficiently. 

Yet, when I stop and think about this even more, I stop myself.  Why should God have to thank me?  Why should He have to reward or recognize the work I have done?  I don't deserve any thanks or rewards compared to what He has done for me.  So, on days where I feel like all the work I do is in vain, I need to stop and think about all the work He does that goes unrecognized, un-thanked and definitely unrewarded by our thoughts, words and deeds. 

But it is so nice to know that we do not labor in vain.  God does know everything we do for His glory and He will thank us for it someday.  So, We do not want to become lazy; but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. (Heb. 6:12)

Father, please forgive me when I whine about being an unappreciated mother, friend or worker.  Help me to see that I do not do the work for my glory, but for yours; that I need to stop and thank you for your work in every situation instead of wanting the thanks myself.  Thank you that you do see my work and that I can know you will reward me for it someday, even so undeservedly.  Help me to keep up the good work for you and not grow lazy.

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