Monday, April 29, 2013

Losing the Love

I am plugging along in Revelation.  While I haven't had a bunch to write on in the last few days it has been nice to go through slowly, a few verses at a time and really take it all in on my own.  So far, so good.

The last couple days I have been reading on the first church Jesus talks to John about.  One of the seven gold lampstands.  The church in Ephesus.  While Christ has many good things to say about the church and its followers in Ephesus, he has one complaint as well; they have lost their first love.

It kind of made me think about marriage.  You know, getting out of that honeymoon stage.  At first it is all bliss and kisses and googley eyes and all that mushy stuff and then that passes and it is just life.  Sure, you still love each other, but some of the excitement has waned and life just takes over.  It takes more work to keep the excitement alive.

I think that is what is happening here in Ephesus.  At first they were all "Gung-ho" excited about the forgiveness and hope and love that Christ gives.  They were filled to the brim with wanting to share it and pass that love around, and then life continued and the enthusiasm dulled. 

The thing is, with Christ's love we can't lose our enthusiasm.  It is something we must always be so thrilled about having that it seeps out of us.  It takes work, just like it does to keep the love alive in a a marriage, but both are completely worth it.

What are some ways you work to keep your excitement alive in your relationship with Christ?

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