Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rest In the Light

As I grow weary of the junk mail, phone calls and bickering TV ads finally ending today as we vote, I am all-too-often reminded of all the darkness in the world.  Crime, corruption, lies, drugs, unemployment, divorce, hungry and abused children, and so much more.  Darkness.  It is hard to get away from it all.

But there is one place I can always turn to find the light.  1 John 5 reminds me that, "God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all."  God IS light.  He IS hope.  He IS love.

So when my heart grows weary, when darkness tries to creep its way in, when I get stressed out and want to crawl in a hole to hide, I need to turn to and rest in the light.  In Him there is no darkness and His hope and love can bring me up from the depths.

So, find the light.  Turn to Him and have hope.  And go vote!  :)  But most of all remember this:  No matter who is President, God will always be the King, the true light of the world.

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