Friday, September 2, 2011

Diving In

Well, since I finished the gratitude study, I must move on.  I could start back up with where I left off in Acts earlier, but just didn't feel God leading me that way.  So, as I thumbed through my Bible praying about where to stop and read I felt a little drawn towards Hebrews.

Why?  I am not quite sure, but I am guessing I am sure to find out!  Don't you just love that.  You can feel some kind of nudge to make a certain decision but have no clue why.  It will be a wonderful little adventure to see what God has in store for me in this book.  It is one I have never really looked at all that closely before so I am hoping to dive in and come up with a treasure.  After all, its God's Word.  How can I not find some jewels?!?!

So, I just dove in.  Reading vs. 1-4 of chapter one.  This little section is so poetically written, I can't wait to read on.  I love how it gives a beautiful picture of God's radiance, like that of the sun.  And the truth that Jesus, His Son, is one and the same with God's radiance is a brilliant capture as well. 

This first part of the chapter eludes to some great learning about the significance of Jesus being a part of God and higher than the angels.  I can't learn to dive in a little deeper.  For now, I am needing a bit of prayer time, thinking and basking in His radiance.  We'll see where I get tomorrow.

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