Thursday, September 22, 2011

Abiding in my Daily Decisions

Stopping to ask God, "Should I go down this path?" is not a strange question to most Christians.   I often ask myself this many times a year or even in a month, but how often to I stop to ask it every day?  This is the question the author of my little 'abiding' devotional posed for today. 

Yes, I am very devout in asking for God's guidance on the big things.  Wanting to abide in Him and His will for those things that will affect a long period of time or even the rest of my life.  But do I stop to ask His will for even the little things?  Is my general, 'Guide me in my day today, Lord.  Help me follow your will," type of prayer every morning cover enough for stopping to ask Him before making a daily decision?

For example, this morning I decided to make a quick trip up to Lincoln to do a little shopping.  Totally an unnecessary move, but I didn't have anything else pressing on my schedule (shock and awe, I know), so it was a whim I decided to go with. 

However, I knew it was going to be quick since I had to be back in time to pick up my middle daughter from preschool.  Had I really stopped to pray about it and ask God, I am not sure I would have gone.  It was just a 'lets find some cute fall clothes' type of trip because I got an email that one of my favorite kids' clothing stores was having a sale and I had a coupon for that store as well.  But, I was rushed, I didn't get to really enjoy my time and I got short with  my youngest when she wasn't cooperating when it was time to go.

Yep, not the greatest of decisions on my part.  Like I said, I probably should have thought to pray about it when the idea popped into my head.  But, honestly, I didn't and don't often stop to think, "What does God have to say about this quick little trip that will only affect my morning?" 

So, I am thankful for this little snippet of reading I had this afternoon to remind me that, yes, God wants me to follow in His will even in the little things as simple as a quick shopping trip. 

What else have I been missing?  It will be an adventure to find out.  I am going to try hard to remember to pray, and stop to wait (one of the big keys to seeking God's guidance) for where I believe He is leading me?

Do you have any good tips on remembering to do this and how you hear His 'answer'?

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