Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Grattitudinal" Goals

So, yesterday was the end of my 30 day gratitude devotion.  However, due to my recent "funk" I am a little behind and just finished it today. 

For our final day in the devotions the author implores us to be specific in our goals.  Not just, "I want to write more thank you notes." or "I will thank my husband and children more often."  But real and measurable goals.  I have learned this is a must in the physical fitness world.  As a fitness coach at our local YMCA (don't let the title impress you, I just help people learn how to use the equipment and set up a plan for exercising) I have learned that, "I just want to get into better shape," doesn't get one very far.  Goals such as these need to be as detailed as possible. 

My thankfulness goal?  Express 'Thank You," to at least 3 people every day.  This shouldn't be too hard since I have 4 others living in my home and an awesome God I purpose to talk to each and every day.  But, I won't stop at just thanking them to take the easy way out. 

The two main things I discovered while doing this devotion are the facts that 1) being ungrateful is a serious sin of pride and 2) I fail to thank certain people because I feel like that is admitting they are better than I am (another issue revolving around pride).

Before completing this study, I never really considered myself a prideful person, but, wow, did God have a lesson in store for me.  Every time I whine, complain or just am plain not thankful, I am telling everyone and God that I think I deserve better.  Geesh!  I don't deserve anything but the fiery pits of hell, but am so eternally thankful that Christ saved me from that.  That is what I need to remember every time I want to whine about having things a bit rough.

And this thing about not thanking others....Yikes!  It totally brought to my attention that I have a very big pride issue with some people.  I withhold thanks to them because it would be admitting that I needed their help and that would make it seem like they are better than me.  Talk about pride.  What a smack in the face.  I am going to purpose to thank people no matter who they are, what they have done for me, or how it makes me feel.  I will give thanks where thanks are due.

So, starting today I need to keep track of my three thanks.  I put 2 thank you notes in the mailbox and have one more thank you to give out by the end of the day.

Let Thankfulness be the Habit of your Life.  (Thank you to my awesome mentor and friend for the beautiful gift and reminder).

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