Thursday, September 15, 2011

Changing it up, again.

Well, I got a good start in Hebrews, and I do plan to continue in there, but I also just started a little devotional book with my wonderful friend and mentor.  So, I may be changing it up depending on which I decide to blog on that day.

Yesterday, I didn't blog, but I really enjoyed what I read in my devotional book "Becoming a Woman Who Walks with God" by Cynthia Heald.  It is all on abiding in Christ... don't worry I looked up 'abide' in the dictionary.  It means to remain or stay with.

What a calling.  Remain with Christ.  If we all just remained in Him all day everyday.  Kept Him at the forefront of our thoughts, decisions, reactions and deeds each and everyday, how would that change our lives.  So often, 'abide' is another one of those 'Biblical' words that you just skip over.  One of those that you are supposed to know about, but never really stop to think much about how it really effects your life. 

Not so surprisingly, the first day devotion was titled "The Security of Abiding".   So true.  If you stay with Christ always, He provides security.  Life Insurance, if you please.  :)  She gave a great analogy of abiding in that a vine has to be attached to the branch to stay alive.  If it just exists next to the branch but not totally attached, it will gain nothing and will die.  Oh, how true this is.  We can go to church, do good things, live a good life, be next to all that great stuff, but if our lives aren't completely connected to it, if our hearts aren't totally sold out to Christ, completely attached to Him?  Toast.  Makes you stop and think, doesn't it?

Where are you abiding in Christ?  Next to Him?  Snuggled up close?  or Completely attached gaining all the wisdom, knowledge and nutrients needed to gain the everlasting 'life insurance'?

Today's devotion totally hit home after a couple of weeks ago totally feeling that funk.  "Choosing to Abide".  It starts with the story of Mary and Martha. Yep the one where Martha is working, feeling unhelped and unappreciated and Mary is sitting with Jesus, soaking it all in.

I am a Martha, definitely not Martha Stewart (who I think was appropriately named btw), but a doer.  I am all about hosting and entertaining and all that fun stuff.  But I will admit, my attitude can totally be like hers as well.  "Why isn't anyone helping me?"  "I hope they appreciate all the work I went through for this."  Rather than easily preparing for my guests and enjoying their company.  Oh, how I would have hated to be that way if I had been given the opportunity to be the hostess of Jesus. 

But I am given the chance every day, to host Him in my heart.  To host a small amount of my day for just Him and me.  To enjoy His company.  But, oh so often, I get busy.  Too many things on my "To Do" list and the quiet time with Him gets pushed to the side.  This chapter is such a great reminder to not "eat haphazardly from His table and only give Him the leftovers" but to make Him the main course guest of honor each and every day. 

I leave you with this quote she included for the day.  ""Mary has chosen which is better...." He brings His point gently home.  Fellowship with Him is a matter of priorities.  And a matter of choice.  It is the better part of the meal life has to offer.  In fact, it is the main course."  Ken Gire

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