Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Daunted "Calling"

Christians are always talking about their "calling in life".  It is one of those "Christian-ease" things to say.  Granted, it isn't just talk and stuff made up by those awe-inspiring, faithful people, it is a Bible-based saying.  But even so, it is one of those things that always makes me go, 'Hmmm."

Today Peter tells us to be all the more eager to make our calling and elections sure.  For if you do these things (add to our faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love) you will never fall and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:10-11)

I think if we are striving to do all of these in increasing measure it is easy to find our calling.  It is just hard to do all of those things all the time.  Doesn't that make you super-thankful for grace?  Like the other day, I totally failed on the brotherly kindness thing when I gossiped with a friend.  But God gave me the opportunity to increase that skill yesterday when a gal I was frustrated with for not holding up her end of a position she signed up for needed yet more help.  Instead of telling her to get it done herself like she should have in the first place, God gave me the grace I needed to extend to her and help her out.  In the end, none of it is a big deal anyway and was able to avoid another 'spiritual spanking.'

I feel as if right now I am fulfilling the calling God gave me, to be a wife and mother.  But I often wonder what my calling will be down the road.  Yes, I will always be a wife and mother, but feel as if there is more to come once my children have moved on.  It is reassuring to know that as long as I am following in His ways and these fruits as well as the fruits of the Spirit I will never fall.  Notice it doesn't say "never have hard things come my way" but I will be able to stand through these hard things through the faith and grace He has given me.

Do you often wonder if you have found your calling?  Maybe you need to stop searching for only your calling and first search your to increase your faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love.  God tells us that our calling will follow.

What are your thoughts on God's calling in your life?  I'd love to know as it is a topic I love to/have a lot to learn about.

1 comment:

  1. I think you hit the nail on the head. If I follow God He will always lead me to my calling. Obedience is the key to utilizing my spiritual gifts and finding my "calling".
