Thursday, September 6, 2012

Stopping the "Skimming"

I am finally moving on from 1 Peter.  It took me a while, but I finished it up and am very thankful to have learned a great deal from it.

So, I just naturally went on to 2 Peter.  Usually, I open up a new book of the Bible and kind of skim over the little greeting that always fills the first couple of verses.  You know, the one the often introduces who the author is and where said author says "hello" to the people to whom he is writing. 

Well, I was doing that today once again, and the Holy Spirit nudged me to stop it.  Stop and actually read it.  See what it says and how it might effect what you are about to read or something else applicable like that.

Here, Peter introduces himself as a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ.  It made me stop and think what I am "of Jesus Christ".  I am a follower of Jesus Christ.  I am a child of Jesus Christ.  I am a believer in Jesus Christ.  All great things that make me who I am.

However, it also made me stop and think about the things I should be "of Jesus Christ" but often choose to skip over as well because they are a little harder.  I should always be an evangelist of Jesus Christ.  I should be a servant of Jesus Christ.  I should be a defender of Jesus Christ.  And I am sure there are many, many more.

So, what are your "of Jesus Christ" labels?   What do you want them to be or which ones do you often find yourself shying away from?

God calls us to be His hands and feet for whatever might need to be done for His Glory on this earth.  It is time we start reading the things we often find mundane (like introductions) and doing the things we are called to do. 

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