Friday, April 13, 2012

Judging a Book By It's Cover and That Kind of Thing

 Moving on in James this week, he hits me again.  I've decided I like James.  He is pretty forthright, honest and non-flowery.  That is my kind of writer.  We just finished up the first chapter and I already have 6 different highlighted sections (new Bible, so I get new highlights!).  Moving on to chapter two, verses 1-7 and I am already convicted.

James tells us not to show favoritism.  Don't give a man in fine clothes wearing gold rings the nicest seat in the temple and leave the man dressed in rags to sit on the floor.  God has chosen those who the world sees as poor to be rich in faith and the rich often exploit us.

Who says the Bible hasn't stood the test of time?  I am so guilty of this.  If in a new group of people or moms I often gravitate to the moms who look most like me; decently dressed, make-up on, hair done, all matchy-matchy (well I try to look presentable most of the time, but you get the gist of what I am trying to convey here).  If I see a gal come in looking a little 'disheveled' or in obviously worn clothes, etc., I automatically put up a sensor that tells myself, "What would I have in common with her?  What would I say?" and all those kinds of excuses.

Oh man, typing this out makes me feel so guilty.  I am awful.  But it is the truth.  I judge a book by its cover.  Completely.  How many awesome relationships and learning experiences have I missed out on just because I think I won't have anything in common with a woman in a 'lesser' state than I?  How much could I have learned?  How much could my heart have opened?

God has really been working on me in these areas lately.  Loving the poor, the widowed, the oppressed, the orphan.  So here He is again, showing up and telling me how to love.  Stop judging them, girl.  Just give them My love and I will guide you.  Who cares if you feel a little bit uncomfortable at first?  Who said it was all supposed to be comfy and easy?

So, time for some life application.  I hope I will pass the test when the time comes.  I want to show Him I understand the love He has shown us by sharing it with those that might need it the most.

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