Monday, April 16, 2012


"It is just a tiny, little thing.  Not a big deal at all."  A thought that often crosses my mind when I want to get away with a small discrepancy.  It is easy to excuse myself if it doesn't really hurt anyone or cause any problems.

But, clearly, sin is sin.  No matter how big or small.  Every ounce of it separates us from God.  So, even if I tell just a little white lie so as to not get in trouble with my husband for forgetting to pick up what he wanted at the store, I am as guilty as a man who committed murder.  Seems a little harsh? Yes.  But James makes it clear in 2:11 "For he who said, 'Do not commit adultery,'  also said, 'Do not murder.'"   God also commanded us, "Do not lie."  So guilty I am.

Ouch.  As guilty as a murderer is hard to swallow.  Makes you think twice about things you might see as little. Seriously, I just need to tell my husband I didn't want to walk clear across WalMart for a little thing of glue with 3 kids in tow.  Being stuck in the sinner category with a murderer is a much worse consequence than having my husband disappointed in me (I guess the best alternative would be to suck it up and serve my husband by getting his glue, but that is another topic for another day.)

Sure, I am not one who goes about my day consciously committing 'little sins', but I am human and I sin daily.  I raise my voice in anger at my kids.  Guilty.  I covet what I see a girlfriend has that I think is just too cute.  Guilty.  I put other things higher on my priority list than God.  Guilty.  And so much more.

"For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one part is guilty of breaking all of it." . James 2:10

Guilty indeed.

Thankfully, God is gracious and I can be forgiven, so can the adulterer, the murderer and anyone else who believes in His Son's atoning blood.  God is good.

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