Thursday, January 17, 2013

One Liners

I have loved a few of the poignant "One Liners" I have found in 1 John.  Truthfully, the Bible is chopped full of one liners, often people's favorite verses to memorize.  Quick little encourager's, pick-me-ups, reminders, and anything in-between that God has given us through His word. 

The very last verse in 1John is another such verse and I love how my new version (NLT) states it, "Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts." Simple, to the point, and spot on. 

So many things in this world can take His place.  Money.  People.  Jobs.  Status.  Stuff.  Just plain old stuff.  Keep away from it.  But how?  This is a plain statement, but how do you stay away from these things that are around you so that they don't take over God's place?  They are there.  Every.  Single. Day.  How do you escape it?

You don't.  There is no way to escape it all.  You must have most of these things to survive and holing yourself up does not go along with God's Word on being a part of the body of Christ.  The only way to deal with all the things around us that could take His place and not allow them to is to fill up with Him first.  Make sure you are so full of Christ that there isn't any room for the others to penetrate the space that He fills.

Fill it full of one-liners from His Word.  Fill it full of prayer.  Fill it full of others filled with Him.  Fill it full of time with Him.  Fill it full of sharing Him.  Fill it full of serving others for Him.  Just fill it with Him and the other stuff has no chance.  It remains in its place.  Just stuff that is there because it is part of life, but only comes in secondary to Him.

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